Are these difficult times or the best of times? The first realization on your path as a great artist is to make sure your answer to that question is your own and not the opinion of your neighbor, your family or your favorite show. Then, you can not only take action, but get to the heart of everything and take inspired, appropriate action.
I’m all about taking action, but I don’t often consciously examine all of the steps I take BEFORE I take that action and I’m guessing that it may be the same for you.
Unless you look at HOW and WHY you’re taking the actions you do each day and in your art, you just may be creating on automatic or by default. And that action is not so good. It’s a good practice to consciously check-in with yourself, your habits and rhythms and make sure you’re on track and aligned with your truth. So, if you’re in a rush, grab the 5 questions at the end and spend the extra time with yourself going through them.
A quick way to upgrade your action this New Year is by asking, “How Can I Help?”
We were already in a creative life revolution, or so I thought. I now know that we are at the base of a mountain – and not just one mountain – more like rolling hills – some higher than others, some more craggy.
It can feel fearful or you can make it the best year ever.
Reactions are easy. With the world transforming around us, the crumbling of traditions and institutions is evident, suffering rises, RE-actions to politics, religion and other people’s opinions are EASY. Artist’s don’t do easy.
There is a reason you are here and have chosen art as part of your life. 2017 the year to ask yourself the deep why: Are you here at this time on earth to watch or be a part of it? Are you here to create beauty or misery? Love or hate?
There is no wrong answer. I’m not here to judge you, just help you to consider, to examine and nudge you on your true path. I don’t have your answer in my secret pouch – only you do.
Artists naturally choose the option of creating, reflection, creating meaningful lives and holding our position as observers. Will we choose to take a more active role and focus our creativity to affect change and be a part of it?
As artists, we make things as a process of our own awareness and acceptance. When we share the things we make, we then step into art as communication with others and the world around us. That’s action. What’s needed now is UPGRADED Action.
So, how do you upgrade action? By taking inspired appropriate action.
> Taking inspired action is simply focusing your creative insights into the things you share.
> Taking appropriate action is sharing your insights on purpose and aligned with your priorities.
You are the megaphone: Your insights come in through you and your art. Your creation amplifies them and sends them out beyond yourself.
This upgraded style of action can smooth the way to connection and communication with people that see your work and hear you speaking about the truth behind what you’ve created.
While our world is changing – and always is – our need to show and share is constant. When you connect to your inner spirit with the focused intention of clearing our channel of communication, both with God and outward to others, you’ll get better at knowing WHAT to create. That’s developing as an artist – connected to the realm of supernatural insights, truth and love.
Know your truth and determine how to best to express it.
“Clearing our channel of communication” is as simple as taking time to support yourself to be feeling your best and strongest each day. Clearing out the old beliefs, cliches, rule systems, seeing truth, letting go of resentments and competition – doing the work to rediscover yourself and your original joy.
It’s always your choice of what that looks like and it includes all areas of your Creative Backbeat, your personal life, that supports your art: health, relationships, spiritual relationship with God.
I’ll get you started with this:
Here are 5 things to do – questions to ask yourself to make 2017 a year of living as a consciously connected artist and upgrade the actions you take:
1) PERSONAL: What is the most important personal issue that I need to address and resolve at this time?
2) SURROUNDINGS: What in my immediate environment bothers me the most and what inspired action can I take to resolve it?
3) WORLD: What specific world event is troubling me the most and how can I affect it for good?
4) CREATIVE BACKBEAT: What personal care and rhythms do I need to follow to support my creativity, releases fears and stimulate inspired action?
5) CONNECT: Who is one person I can connect with daily or weekly to keep inspired and courageous?
What inspired action will you take this year? Take a first step and comment on this post. Send this to a friend who needs a bit of a kick. Need some help? Send me a note.
Upgrade your action. Create on purpose.