Watching little kids dance is a laugh-out-loud, heart-bath experience.
You’ve seen them – they don’t care how they look – bouncing up and down, doing a sideways wiggle, racing in a circle. They are in the ZONE. With smiles on their faces, pure glee, the joy of being alive!
What if you could peel away all the rules and conditions that tell you NOT to dance like a little kid, that you can’t or shouldn’t?
What if you take that little window you just opened (the one that said ‘what if’) and applied it to your art? Unbound, condition-free, no rules. What would you do?
Hot tip: The rules are yours. No one else’s.
YOU are GOOD at the Creative Dance!
Take it back to when you were a tiny kid or maybe in your teens – any time when you allowed wild abandon get you in-the-groove. YOU WERE GOOD! You CAN Dance! Sure, lot’s of stuff has happened since then, but it’s in there, YOUR possibilities. If you found the play, the-ease-of-being, even once – you can do it again. (you get that I’m using ‘dance’ to loosely apply to anything creative, right? Okay, good, just checking).
To get your groove back – use the music to lead you back into the place where you can let go and allow your creativity flow. The senses are just like telephone wires to your art – sound and vision – they lead you into your music and into your way of communicating art. (Taste is one of your senses too, of course – so if a hunk of chocolate gets you in-your-groove… go with it!).
Maybe you don’t need this little exercise – you know this – so why is it so hard to actually do?
The Dance Judge has a Name…
All of the things holding you in check are like your judge – your dance judge – the judge’s name is Resistance and she’s not nice – at all.
There are true responsibilities of course (you have to eat), but how many things in your everyday keep you from letting loose with your creativity? How many things are actually resistance acting like something else? Resistance is fierce and real.
To find resistance where she’s hiding, take stock (make a list) of the visible things in your life (chores, family, to-do list) and the invisible (research, time, guilt, fear). Is creative time on your list? Where? What are your biggest defeaters of creative time? No tolerance here! You’re battling a mean judge, remember!! Those defeaters, the reasons why you don’t create… GOTCHA! That’s where resistance is hiding.
Perk up your awareness, your antenna, of how your day flows. Get your list – Begin to say no to those things that steal your time and limit those things that try to take more time than they should.
Those invisibles… you need to face them, look eye-to-eye, do the work to release their hold on you. However, it doesn’t have to be done in one day – nice if it does happen that way – but, simply give them a time-out. Just long enough to snatch some time to create today.
Go on and dance!
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