When your ideas ignite your imagination, you start jumping around like bubbles in a boiling pot. You get excited, the creative flow gets going it’s not in your power to stop it.
You are connected to your creative source, great things are happening and the tap is full on! Only some outside interruption can halt you. You’ll work until you’re stiff, hungry, parched – pouring out your art to change the world, to create a masterpiece, to pull out every bit of inspired morsel.
You are ALIVE! Reeking vitality…and the effort can empty you – leave you exhausted.
Draining out completely like this connects you to spontaneous creativity. It gets all of the other stuff out of the way and allows you to get to the truth of what you want to say.
Whether you do this a lot or infrequently, its cathartic effect can give you relief that you’ve created your ‘thing’
The big BUT…
Unless you have moments of quiet observation – just being still – reflecting, peaceful, spiritual, stretching, being – you will run headlong into a mack truck faster than a deer leaps away.
If you find it hard to cultivate the quiet side, get into a space where you are immersed in vibrance – get outdoors – go to a playground or a market and let go all of your pressure to create:
Feel the sunshine on your face. Let all of your senses come alive: red tomatoes, purple grapes, fragrant herbs, people talking, kids laughing. Touch, taste, smell, listen, see – engage, get excited about life!
This seesaw effect, thunder and whisper, creates a balance all it’s own. Keep the seesaw moving and you stay balanced.
Allow it to stop at the wildly passionate end and you’ll reach the burnout that is too often the story of many artists. Stop it at the calm static end and you stop moving, giving and creating.
The faster and easier this effect happens, the less it looks like a see-saw and the more it looks like a straight path.
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