Got a plan with no ACTION or maybe no plan at all? Do you need a plan… for your plan?
You’re not the only one! The difference between your creativity path and art career and someone whose art dreams never happen, will be if you take a step to change your answer to that question – create a plan and act on it.
That all sounds good, but what if you don’t know where to begin?
I’ve wrestled with my creativity path and even now it is a constant shuffle to make sure that art is a priority. Often life just happens – areas that don’t relate to art making or creativity seem to naturally overpower at times and making a plan for your art dreams becomes buried under errands and simply efforts to pay the bills. Sometimes to get going, you need a plan for your plan! So, I’ve created a mini workshop to help you get things moving even when you’re busy and I’m really excited to help clear the way for you. The workshop called, Artist Action Plan: Min-Workshop will be open this month. Sign-up for launch updates in the subscribe form in the sidebar.
More about why I created this workshop: I wrote about the Unconventional Guide to Art and Money in another post, so you can read about this in-depth guide that lays out details on what successful artists are doing to create a real art career, I highly recommend it. When I finished my review of it, one thing I wished I had was a group of worksheets to put all that information in a simpler form then a checklist to make sure that all of my planning actually happened. I didn’t find them there – so I created them!
Now, I’ve had some experience in this, so I’m not just whipping out a little sheet with no meat. (I’ve managed one of the top galleries in Arizona, helped other artist begin and restart their careers, show internationally and even publish books). So to me, the planning and checklists are natural extensions and important tools to getting your big ideas to really happen.
I’ve put together a mini-workshop, done at your own pace, where you have the tools to act right in front of you, 24/7. The workshop includes worksheets that walk you through planning steps, then space where you let loose and put your dreams on paper. A detailed checklist pulls it all together and encourages you do it! Right now, I’m doing the last edits and finishing off the mp3 that I want to go with it all. The extra audio, is like a little voice on your shoulder, giving you that extra push and offers one more way to drop any excuses – just pop it on your iPod, phone or burn a CD of it. It’s a form that’s easy to listen to if you’re commuting or in between errands and gears you up to dive into the worksheets and take action. There is a really cool bonus I’m putting in at the end of the workshop that will shake things up a bit.
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