Simple steps that you can take today to launch or relaunch your art career.
Do even one thing from this show and you’re ahead of the game.
In this show, I talk with you about..
- Talk through 9 steps of your action plan that take you from just starting out to successfully selling your work.
- What formats you need for your portfolio.
- Website options that are ready to go out of the box.
- Branding 101 and what you need to think about when using social media sites.
This is the first week of Behind The Canvas and it’s release on iTunes. Reviews, subscriptions and comments will help the show get noticed by artists who need it. I ask you to please help launch this show buy leaving a review or comment on episodes and subscribe to get the latest show each week.
I really appreciate your help and to say thank you, I’m giving a FREE copy of Marie Kondo’s book to one of you!
I’ll pick a name randomly from the reviews on Episode [EP01]. You have until the end of July to do it – so hop over when it’s up on iTunes and grab as many friends as you can to share the episode and leave a review. AND you’ll get to share the book with them if you win and you’ll be a part of launching Behind The Canvas podcast that is created for artists just like you.
Show Notes:
- Etsy
- SquareSpace
- WordPress (non-hosted blog for wordpress is at wordpress.com)
- Big Cartel
- Shopify
- Canva
Courses to help you get going
- Art Biz Camp – summer-paced course to tune up your art business
- FREE Art Business Jumpstart (join for free for access)
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